Come visit Kokabow Fishing Tackle at the Idaho Sportsman's Show, Booth 120, Aisle D. Special Show Pricing & New Colors will be offered.
Address: Expo Idaho 5610 N Glenwood St, Boise, ID 83714
Date: February 27th - March 2nd
Time: Thursday & Friday 5:00-9:00pm, Saturday 11:00am - 9:00pm, Sunday 11:00am - 4:00pm
Join us at Idaho Marine's Open House for a Kokanee Workshop presented by Kokabow Fishing Tackle.
Address: Idaho Marine 4000 Fairview Avenue, Boise, ID 83706
Date: Saturday, March 15th
Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Come get the latest details on IDF&G stocking efforts from Idaho's own fisheries biologists, along with Kokanee fishing tips and tricks presented by Kokabow Fishing Tackle.
Address: Idaho Department of Fish & Game HQ 600 S Walnut St, Boise, ID 83712
Date: Saturday, March 29th
Time: 1:00pm - 3:30pm
A decade ago, Kokanee Fishing in the Western U.S. was gradually becoming classified as a trend. It has now transformed into a "craze" for many fishermen.
As more Kokanee are introduced into lakes and reservoirs from the Rockies to the Pacific Northwest, the movement to make Kokanee Fishing more available is gaining strength.
Kokanee are located in all states from the Continental Divide to the Pacific Ocean (except Arizona). Hundreds of more lakes are being targeted to introduce this popular fishery in the next few years.
Alan Greenhalgh, Kokabow Fishing Tackle's owner, says " I wasn't satisfied with the quality of tackle being produced and sold to the public." Most Kokanee and Trout Fishing Tackle is manufactured in foreign countries produced with plastic beads, imitation crystals, poor quality hooks, and a non- brand named line.
Due to my dissatisfaction, I started experimenting with colored glass beads, extreme quality crystals, brand named hooks & line, and a variety of blade colors to attract fish.
I found a certain element to catching Kokanee and Trout was designing a spinner series and inline attractors which produced an extreme reflection of light, enticing color combinations, and a balanced presentation to the fish.
Kokabow Fishing Tackle's products offers just that!
Kokanee and Trout now have become easier and abundant to catch using Kokabow Fishing Tackle.
The unique Kokabow Spinner Series and attractors are becoming a "go to favorite" across the Northwest to attract not only Kokanee and Trout but Sockeye Salmon, Walleye, Bass, Catfish, Crappie and Perch.
We believe you'll see and feel the quality difference of our tackle.
So, "Takem' for a Spin", and watch them strike!
Tight lines,
Alan & Wendi Greenhalgh
Kokabow Fishing Tackle, LLC.
Meridian, Idaho
Phone: (208)859-5870
Our mission is simple: to provide the best products and service to our customers at the lowest prices possible. We take great pride in our company, our commitment to customer service and in the products we produce and sell.
Our Online Store is designed to provide you with a safe and secure environment to browse our product catalog.
Superior quality crystals are used with each spinner and troll. Crystals come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and cuts. The chosen size, shape, and cut used with a Kokabow Spinner and In-Flight Trolls are ones that ensure a powerful prism of light which reflects against our hand polished Willowleaf Blades. Each Willowleaf Blade is topped with colorful holographic tape to increase reflection and attraction of fish.
Tail Feather Dodgers are a specialty designed blade that adds extra action to your lure due to its unique design.
This dodger is highly reflective in the water with its exceptional shine and color pattern.
Kokabow Tackle does not use plastic beads in the manufacturing of our spinners and trolls. Hand blown glass beads with a reflective coating are used to ensure transferring of light, durability and color vibrancy to the spinners and trolls.
Clear Monofilament 12 lb test line is used to balance out strength, toughness and handling. 26 inches of leader is provided to allow you to tie your line at a desired length.
Lastly, each Kokabow Fishing Spinner is hand snelled with two #4 Red Octopus Gamakatsu Hooks to secure your catch.
You will find no other Kokanee/Trout Spinner, In-Line Trolls, and Dodgers that gives you the quality, durability and craftsmanship (Made in the USA) than Kokabow Fishing Tackle.
If you want to increase your catch rate of Kokanee and Trout then...Take a Kokabow for a Spin!
I grew up fishing on Lake Coeur d' Alene in North Idaho. My Grandfather, Great Uncle, and my Dad introduced me to Kokanee and Trout fishing when I was right around 7 years old. It only took one trip out and I was forever hooked.
Kokanee and Trout fishing sure has evolved since I was a kid and thankfully the tackle just keeps getting bett
I grew up fishing on Lake Coeur d' Alene in North Idaho. My Grandfather, Great Uncle, and my Dad introduced me to Kokanee and Trout fishing when I was right around 7 years old. It only took one trip out and I was forever hooked.
Kokanee and Trout fishing sure has evolved since I was a kid and thankfully the tackle just keeps getting better. I have grown such an appreciation for the quality of gear that Kokabow Tackle has to offer. I decided to give Kokabow Tackle a try just this year. I was finally fed up and tired of the tape on my dodgers fading and tearing off, disappointed by the poor quality leaders and hooks from other companies, and last but not least paying good money for tackle that doesn't last day in and out of heavy use and many fish. I saw Kokabow's custom paint jobs and said I need to give these a go. I was even more impressed when I got out on the water opened the dodger package and really noticed the glitter inlaid in the beautiful color combos reflecting in the sun. It was at that moment I knew Kokabow was going to get the job done. Kokabow has proven to endure, and most importantly put fish on the end of mine, my friends and families line all the time. I am so grateful to be a part of this great team of people who offer nothing but great service, experienced advice, top quality products, and love what they do.
I grew up an avid outdoorsman in Northern California. As a kid some of my earliest memories are of fishing for trout with my dad and younger brothers in mountain creeks and lakes in the area. I can still vividly remember the first trout that I caught on my own at 5 years old. I can still remember nearly 40 years later the rod and reel I h
I grew up an avid outdoorsman in Northern California. As a kid some of my earliest memories are of fishing for trout with my dad and younger brothers in mountain creeks and lakes in the area. I can still vividly remember the first trout that I caught on my own at 5 years old. I can still remember nearly 40 years later the rod and reel I had and the lure that I caught it on. Since that time my love for fishing and hunting has only increased.
At 16 I taught myself to fly fish because I wanted to catch the tougher fish that wanted nothing to do with my spinning gear and lures. I moved to Idaho at 21 for college and my outdoors skills evolved along with my education as I studied to earn a biology degree with the intention of being a biologist for Fish and Game or US Fish and Wildlife. However, after earning my degree life did as life does, and I went in a different direction earning a post graduate degree in chiropractic and now I run my own office in Middleton.
4 years ago I had the opportunity to buy a boat to help me pursue one of my other passions which is duck hunting, and at the same time a couple of friends invited me and introduced me to trolling and Kokanee fishing. I was hooked immediately! By the next spring my duck boat was rigged up with downriggers and I was catching Kokanee off my own boat. With the knowledge gained through attending Kokanee seminars put on by Alan Greenhalgh, my own understanding of other fish species, experimentation on the water, and the best quality gear out there with Kokabow Tackle I was quickly catching limits of the best tasting fish out there and spending more and more time on the water. Now representing Kokabow is a natural transition for me because I’ve always loved to help others to learn the things I’m passionate about, and I always gravitate toward the gear that will help me to do it the best.
I was born near Denver, Colorado but primarily did the majority of fishing with my grandpa in South Dakota growing up. My grandpa instilled a passion of fishing in me whether it was catfish, walleye, crappie, bluegill, bass, northern pike, gar or anything else. If it had fins, I wanted to catch it.
I moved to Gunnison, Colorado in 2016 t
I was born near Denver, Colorado but primarily did the majority of fishing with my grandpa in South Dakota growing up. My grandpa instilled a passion of fishing in me whether it was catfish, walleye, crappie, bluegill, bass, northern pike, gar or anything else. If it had fins, I wanted to catch it.
I moved to Gunnison, Colorado in 2016 to pursue a Biology degree from Western Colorado University. Gunnison is home to Colorado's biggest body of water and kokanee fishery, Blue Mesa Reservoir. I did the majority of my research studies revolving around Blue Mesa including gill lice studies and predator/prey studies between the kokanee salmon and lake trout. I then decided to become a guide for Sport Fish Colorado in 2020. I am now a full-time guide and take out over 100 trips a year, and spend over 200 days on the water every year. I specialize in action trout trips, kokanee salmon trolling and jigging trips, trophy lake trout trips, and trophy pike trips. I have a passion for spreading the love of this amazing sport with as many people as I can. Whether it's open water or ice fishing, you'll see me out on the water most days.
I've been using Kokabow tackle for the last few years and it very quickly became the only tackle I use for trout, and of course, kokanee salmon. I've caught every species of fish in Blue Mesa on this amazing gear. The quality is what really sets this company apart from all the others. I've used the same dodgers and spinners for years, and as long as I don't break off, this gear can catch hundreds of fish. I regularly get approached at the fish cleaning station as to how I catch so many fish, and the answer is always the same. Nothing does a better job of putting fish in the boat than Kokabow!
An Idaho native, one of my earliest memories is of my dad teaching me to stream fish on the Payette River near McCall. Even as a six-year old all it took was one bite to keep me patiently holding my pole for hours. Since then I’ve spent more time than my wife appreciates fishing in Alaska for salmon—silvers, kings, and reds, in the reser
An Idaho native, one of my earliest memories is of my dad teaching me to stream fish on the Payette River near McCall. Even as a six-year old all it took was one bite to keep me patiently holding my pole for hours. Since then I’ve spent more time than my wife appreciates fishing in Alaska for salmon—silvers, kings, and reds, in the reservoirs for bass and crappie, in the Snake for sturgeon, and in the Salmon for steelhead. Now, though, I’m hooked on Kokanee.
In 2017 I attended a seminar at Cabela's where Alan Greenhalgh gave a presentation that inspired me. On March 15 I went to Anderson Ranch Reservoir, caught eleven beautiful Kokanee, and became a fanatic. My wife is happy because they are delicious, and my dog, Jake, is happy because he can come fishing with me here in Southern Idaho. I’m so passionate about Kokanee fishing that I have trouble sleeping the night before I go. Kokabow gear is by far the best tackle I’ve ever used. Alan understands the Kokanee personality—he knows what makes them bite in differing water conditions and even in varying types of daylight. The quality of the materials and assembly is matchless, too. I thank Alan for introducing me to the sport and for giving me the opportunity to be a spokesman for Kokabow squid, bugs, spinners, and tail feather blades.
Born in Boise and spending most of his youth in Lewiston, Jim is a true Idaho Native. His earliest fishing adventures included riding his bicycle to the Snake and Clearwater Rivers in search of steelhead, bass and trout. He spent many family camping trips on the North Fork of the Clearwater River, the Lochsa and the St. Joe River where he
Born in Boise and spending most of his youth in Lewiston, Jim is a true Idaho Native. His earliest fishing adventures included riding his bicycle to the Snake and Clearwater Rivers in search of steelhead, bass and trout. He spent many family camping trips on the North Fork of the Clearwater River, the Lochsa and the St. Joe River where he learned to fish for native cutthroat and rainbow trout.
Jim's first experience fishing for Bluebacks (Kokanee Salmon) was in 1967 on Coeur d'Alene Lake. He recalls the tackle he used was a wedding ring, leaded line on a fly reel, and a heavy spinning rod. He has been a passionate kokanee angler ever since. Jim still ventures north to fish Hayden Lake, Twin Lakes and Dwarshak Reservoir, but his true passion now lies in the reservoirs on the Boise River system.
Creating kokanee tackle always intrigued Jim. He spent many hours trying to build the perfect lure, but after meeting Alan of Kokabow Tackle LLC a few years back he knew he couldn't design a lure that has the quality of a Kokabow Spinner. Jim says this about Kokabow Tackle, "I have found Kokabow Tackle to CONSISTANTLY catch more kokanee than any other kokanee tackle on the market". Jim works closely with Kokabow Tackle and provides feedback on designs, colors and lure ideas. He is also highly involved in testing prototype tackle.
Jim currently is employed as a Fishing Outfitter with Cabela's adding his specialty in trolling techniques for kokanee and salmon.
I grew up in a rural town in northwest Missouri where I spent a lot of time fishing for big catfish on the Missouri River, fishing farm ponds for largemouth bass and crappie, and hunting white tail deer from a tree stand on my grandparents farm.
My career brought me to Idaho 8 years ago where I met my wife. Idaho offered a whole new expe
I grew up in a rural town in northwest Missouri where I spent a lot of time fishing for big catfish on the Missouri River, fishing farm ponds for largemouth bass and crappie, and hunting white tail deer from a tree stand on my grandparents farm.
My career brought me to Idaho 8 years ago where I met my wife. Idaho offered a whole new experience when it came to hunting and fishing. I now had the opportunity to hunt elk and mule deer as well as fish for salmon, kokanee, steelhead and trout.
I bought a boat and was passionate about learning how to Kokanee fish. A friend of mine told me about Kokabow Tackle. I met with Alan to purchase gear and attended a seminar he was teaching. I took all the information I had learned and put it into action. When I caught my first Kokanee I was hooked. Kokabow Tackle has consistently put fish on my boat. My love for fishing has been shared with friends and family and continues to be my sport of choice.
I grew up in Eastern Oregon, fishing many lakes, rivers and reservoirs. I started fishing Eagle Creek Stream at a very young age with my father. I have many great memories from that time. I have loved everything about fishing ever since. That love has only grown stronger over the years.
When I was a bit older I got into trolling for sal
I grew up in Eastern Oregon, fishing many lakes, rivers and reservoirs. I started fishing Eagle Creek Stream at a very young age with my father. I have many great memories from that time. I have loved everything about fishing ever since. That love has only grown stronger over the years.
When I was a bit older I got into trolling for salmon and trout on lakes, reservoirs and the Columbia River. A few years ago I heard about kokanee fishing and wanted to give it a try. I went looking for tackle and came across Kokabow Tackle for the first time. What caught my eye was the quality of the components and the craftsmanship. It stood out to me right in the package.
Not to long after I got the tackle, I attended my first, of many fishing seminars on downriggers and kokanee fishing that Alan put on at various places. I learned a lot from those seminars, which made the trips worthwhile.
When we made our first trip out kokanee fishing with Kokabow Tackle it was a great time. We put many nice kokanee in the boat. From that point, my passion for kokanee fishing and Kokabow Tackle has only grown.
Since then I have fished with Kokabow Tackle in many different lakes and reservoirs. It has never failed to put fish in the boat whether fishing for kokanee or trout. Kokabow Tackle has become my favorite tackle on the boat hands down.
I am honored and privileged to be part of the Kokabow team. You won't meet a better group of people willing to help and share knowledge.
Mark Patrick
I was born and raised in Washington State. At a very young age, I started fishing with my father at our local lakes. We would catch mostly rainbows, cutthroat and some kokanee. As a teenager, I would vacation with my family in Chelan. We would fish on Lake Chelan and some of the smaller lakes. After graduating from Central Washington Univ
I was born and raised in Washington State. At a very young age, I started fishing with my father at our local lakes. We would catch mostly rainbows, cutthroat and some kokanee. As a teenager, I would vacation with my family in Chelan. We would fish on Lake Chelan and some of the smaller lakes. After graduating from Central Washington University, I found myself being drawn back to the Chelan area. The Kokanee fishery quickly gained my interest once again.
In those beginning years fishing on Lake Chelan, there was many long days of learning. I wasn't completely satisfied with my results so I started tying my own Kokanee gear. I will never forget the day when I read an article about Kokabow squids. I bought two of them at a local sporting goods store. After I went out fishing with those squids, I knew this tackle would be a game changer for me! I was catching the Kokanee limit quicker than I had ever done before. Kokabow is not only for Kokanee! I have caught Lake Trout, Rainbows, Cutthroat and Chinook Salmon.
I use Kokabow Fishing Tackle because it catches fish, the landing ratio increased, it is made with quality components and it fishes effectively right out of the package!
My passion for fishing hasn't changed since those early years, but my tackle has for sure! Kokabow Fishing Tackle gets it done!
I started fishing at about 7 years old in Spurgen Creek, which ran against the boundary of the family farm. I recently turned 75, so I have been fishing for a while. Since the age of 7, I have fished everywhere I have been, from Alaska to Vietnam, using a lot of different tackle and combinations.
Most recently, I have been using a Ford F
I started fishing at about 7 years old in Spurgen Creek, which ran against the boundary of the family farm. I recently turned 75, so I have been fishing for a while. Since the age of 7, I have fished everywhere I have been, from Alaska to Vietnam, using a lot of different tackle and combinations.
Most recently, I have been using a Ford Fender and Wedding Ring combination. As you fishermen know that is a heavy combination, but I was having some success. I like to fish for everything! I usually fish the Snake River and surrounding lakes for catfish, crappie, perch, bass, trout and kokanee.
I attended a Kokabow Tackle seminar given by Alan Greenhalgh. I figured "what the heck", and got some of the tackle.
I am convinced this is the best tackle I have ever used. I am not a "paid spokesperson", like the commercials say. I am a very happy fishermen.
I don't go fishing anymore. I GO CATCHING! Thanks to Kokabow Tackle!
I grew up fishing the rivers in Northern California for salmon, striper, and sturgeon. In the mid 2000's salmon season didn't open for several years due to a decline in the salmon population. I had a giant void between my fishing seasons so a family friend invited me out to a local lake to chase Kokanee and I loved it. Once salmon was ope
I grew up fishing the rivers in Northern California for salmon, striper, and sturgeon. In the mid 2000's salmon season didn't open for several years due to a decline in the salmon population. I had a giant void between my fishing seasons so a family friend invited me out to a local lake to chase Kokanee and I loved it. Once salmon was open again, I went back to spending more time on the rivers, so I only went Kokanee fishing a few times a year.
In 2014, I relocated to Las Vegas for work where there was hardly any fishing compared to what I grew up with, so my time on the water reduced drastically. Fortunately, in 2015 I relocated again to Idaho. Since 2015 I have fallen in love with this state and everything it has to offer. This is where my relationship with Kokabow Tackle began.
I had heard about the awesome Kokanee fishing close by and wanted to get back in to it. I still had all my old tackle, but it had been a couple of years since I purchased any new gear. I went to a local tackle shop and started looking at what they had on the shelves. That's when I saw Kokabow for the first time. From the first look at the packaging I could tell there was quality and care that went into making Kokabow Tackle. I picked up a few things and went to Anderson Rach that weekend and absolutely slaughtered the Kokanee. I tried my former favorites but they did not compare to the action I got with Kokabow. It has been the only tackle I have used since!
I grew up 2 miles from the beach in Southern California where I enjoyed ocean fishing from a very young age in the mid 1960’s through the mid 1990’s when my wife and I moved to North Idaho to raise our family. I was quickly introduced to Kokanee fishing in Spirit Lake and have been an avid Kokanee fisherman ever since. The only thing tha
I grew up 2 miles from the beach in Southern California where I enjoyed ocean fishing from a very young age in the mid 1960’s through the mid 1990’s when my wife and I moved to North Idaho to raise our family. I was quickly introduced to Kokanee fishing in Spirit Lake and have been an avid Kokanee fisherman ever since. The only thing that keeps me from Kokanee fishing is when the Salmon are running on the Columbia River although I do still enjoy my occasional ocean fishing trips.
About 10 years ago I read an article by Dave Graybill that was about Kokabow Tackle and Alan Greenhalgh which prompted me to purchase some tackle online. Not only was I impressed with the quality of the tackle, but also the quantity of fish we were able to catch using them. That is all I have used since.
I met Alan Greenhalgh about 7 years ago at the Spokane Big Horn Show and we’ve been friends and occasional fishing buddies ever since. Alan has taken me Kokanee fishing in the Southern Idaho and introduced me to some of the local lakes there as well as provided me with new tackle to try out – which I have been appreciative of.
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2496 North Marburg Avenue, Meridian, Idaho 83646, United States
Alan: 208-859-5870 Email:
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